Aswan, this unique city which is located at Southern upper Egypt, very close to Sudanese border, is famous for charming nature including Nile river since its first arrival to Egyptian land, Nasser lake which had been formed from its plenty water to become the first artificial lake in the world, and the giant rocks stretch throw the river, All these things beside many varieties of the Pharaonic Antiquities, such as Elephantine Temple, Agha Khan tomb, the Noble tombs, The old and new Nubian museums, in addition to dry weather, ( moderate in summer and warm in winter ) this weather is healthy and suits all persons, especially who suffer respiratory and chronic diseases , People of Aswan are Known for their kindness and tolerance. Big part of them belongs to Nubia and their roots arrive to what was once upon a time Called the Nubian Kingdom in Sudan. At the present time the guest house of OmAbdallah is in the heart of Elephantine Island, you will find an original miniature model of a Nubian house but with modern style in luxerious furniture and the feeling of being at home , So, for those who are looking for originalty, relaxation and happy comfortable staying with modern living they will find their purpose at Om Abdallah, guesthouse

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أسوان تلك المدينة الفريدة التي تقع جنوبي صعيد مصر، قريبا من الحدود السودانية ،تتميز بطبيعة ساحرة تتضمن نهر النيل من بدايته وصولا إلي الأراضي المصرية و بحيرة ناصر التي تكونت من مياهه الوفيرة و هي أكبر بحيرة صناعية في العالم و الجنادل الصخرية العملاقه التي تتناثر ف عرض النهر ، وذلك جنبا إلي جنب مع الاثار الفرعونيه العديدة و المتنوعة مثل معبد فيلة ومقبرة اغا خان ومقابر النبلاء و المتحف النوبي القديم والجديد ،بالاضافه إلي الجو الجاف المعتدل صيفا و الدافئ شتاءا وهو المناخ الصحي الذي يناسب جميع الاشخاص وخاصة مرضي الجهاز التنفسي و الامراض المزمنة. يتميز أهل أسوان بالطيبة و السماحة و جزء كبير منهم ينتمي إلي النوبة حيث تمتد جذورهم إلي النوبة ف السودان فيما كان يعرف فيما مضي بمملكه النوبة قديما واليوم من خلال بيت ضيافة أم عبد الله ف قلب جزيرة فيلة نجد نموذج مصغر للبيت النوبي ولكن علي طراز عصري في اثاثه و تجهيزات و فخامته وهو ما يجد فيه محبي الاصالة و الباحثين عن طيب الاقامة و متطلبات الحياه العصرية بغيتهم فيه. حبابك عشرة

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About Us

Om Abdallah house is located on a big island inhabited by Nubian people who are famous for their hospitability and kindness. The house is located in the center of the island; surrounded by Nubian houses where charming nature, serenity and safety is. There are always boats transferring you through the Nile into the island where the house is located ...


Trips to “ The Botanical island”

( Aga Khan mausoleum- Philae temple)
in addition to trips through the Nile

Lectures about ancient Egypt and Nubian civilization

presented by former chief of Aswan and Luxor antiquity: Abdel Hakim Krar

Preparing Nubian cuisine

“ food and beverages”
